Heavenly Cinnamon Roll Breadtwists are a delightful spin on traditional cinnamon rolls, perfect for breakfast, brunch, or an indulgent snack. With a flaky crescent dough base, a sweet and cinnamon-rich filling, and a drizzle of glaze, these twists are as easy to make as they are delicious. They are sure to impress family and friends with their irresistible aroma and flavor.
Voor de Breadtwists:
1 blik (8 oz) gekoeld halvemaandeeg
1/4 kopje kristalsuiker
1 el gemalen kaneel
2 el ongezouten boter, gesmolten
Voor het glazuur:
1/2 kopje poedersuiker
1-2 el melk (aanpassen voor de gewenste consistentie)
1/4 tl vanille-extract
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