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5. Fisch und Meeresfrüchte

Fisch und Meeresfrüchte verderben nach Ablauf des Verfallsdatums schnell, da ihr hoher Proteingehalt das Bakterienwachstum fördert. Verdorbener Fisch kann schwere Lebensmittelvergiftungssymptome wie Erbrechen, Durchfall und Bauchschmerzen verursachen. Der Verzehr abgelaufener Meeresfrüchte ist besonders riskant, da sie auch schädliche Giftstoffe produzieren können.

6. Weichkäse

Soft cheeses, like brie and ricotta, have higher moisture content than hard cheeses, making them more susceptible to mold and bacterial contamination. After their expiration date, they can become a source of foodborne illnesses, presenting risks particularly to vulnerable populations.

7. Fresh Berries

Berries are delicate fruits with a short shelf life, and they quickly become moldy once past their prime. Consuming moldy berries can cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Always check for any signs of mold and discard the entire container if you find any.

8. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach and lettuce are nutrient-rich but can harbor bacteria like E. coli if not consumed within their recommended timeframe. Symptoms of foodborne illness from expired greens include stomach cramps, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, kidney failure.

9. Mold-prone Items like Bread and Pastries

Bread and pastries can develop mold even before their expiration date if not stored properly. Mold spores can cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions, and some types of mold produce harmful mycotoxins. When mold appears, it’s best to discard the entire product rather than trying to salvage a part of it.

10. Condiments with Natural Ingredients

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